
綾尾 愼治 様
MIT-EFJ 前理事長・現理事

1999年11月23日、都市センターのホールでKen Morse氏 を迎えて開催したセミナーがきっかけで、MIT-EFJが発足しました。私自身の視点からは、紆余曲折はあったにせよMIT-EFJは発展の道を進んでいると実感しております。現在いろんな業界で企業の持続性が議論されています。われわれの歴史や経験の中から、其の持続性について何か参考になるものが潜在するのではとさえ思っています。


まずは発足に当たってMIT-EFのスピリットを日本に根付かせようと上記セミナーを企画し、大勢の賛同者を集めその後初代MIT-EFJ会長に就任した佐々木浩二氏の立ち上げ時期の物心両面でのご協力は並大抵のものではありませんでした。また佐々木氏はMITとStanford の両校の卒業生であることから、MIT-EFJはシリコンバレーのV-Labをモデルにしました。V-LabとMIT-EFJの交流は脈々と続いており、現理事長の鈴木啓明氏が其の推進役であります。起業家の皆さんにとって、太平洋を越えやすくすることに貢献したものと思っています。Stanfordとは、中川陽一郎日本Stanford協会会長のご尽力により、発足以来良好な関係を維持しています。


MIT-EFJのビジネスプランコンテスト(BPC)立ち上げには、この人の名前を挙げないわけには参りません。当時、三菱総合研究所の社長であった谷野 剛氏です。Sloan スクールの大先輩として三菱グループをまとめて全面的にBPC1~3回を支えていただきました。おかげさまでBPCを軌道に乗せることができ、今日を迎えるに至りました。

また、Teradyne創業者の故Alex d’Arbeloff氏*、日本MIT会会長をされた藤崎博也東大名誉教授、元キャノン社長の故御手洗肇氏と美智子令夫人はじめ、元日本NCR社長の藤山覺一郎氏、故井上多門筑波大教授、JAXA理事長の立川敬二氏の諸先輩からは、格別の応援をいただいてきております。





“Reflecting upon welcoming our Tenth Anniversary of Business Plan Competition”
Shinji Ayao

MIT-EFJ inaugurated after a seminar featuring Mr. Ken Morse of MIT Entrepreneurship Center was held at a city hall on Nov 23, 1999.
I feel that MIT-EFJ continues to further develop while it went through some rough times. Across industries, people discuss about corporate sustainability. I even think our experiences and existence may pose some hints as to how an entity can continue to be vitalized.

It is a good opportunity to reflect MIT-EFJ’s history as it welcomes 11th year with new board members who are driven and passionate.

Mr.Koji Sasaki, our First MIT-EFJ Chair, contributions in terms of time and financial means are immeasurable as he devotes in making MIT-EF spirit become established in Japan. He is the one who outreached many to join him in building the foundation for this MIT-EFJ and the previously mentioned seminar is one of his efforts. With him being an alumnus of both Stanford and MIT, MITE-FJ is modeled after V-Lab in Silicon Valley. Interaction between V-Lab and MIT-EFJ continues to flourish through the effort of Mr.Hiro Suzuki, MIT-EFJ’s current Chair. This has made entrepreneurs easier to communicate over the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Yoichio Nakagawa, Chair of Stanford Association of Japan, has made tremendous contribution in the partnership Stanford and MIT-EFJ continue to enjoy.

MIT-EFJ has backed up the Japanese government’s initiative of MOT education to make sure it will become recognized and thus become a normal practice. These couldn’t have achieved without industrial leaders such as Mr. Etsuhiko Shouyama, then President of Hitachi Co. , late Mr. Ichiro Taniguchi of Mitsubishi Electric Co. and late Mr. Michio Naruto of Fujitsu Co.

A Sloanee Mr. Takeshi Yano, former President of Mitsubishi Research Institute has paved the path for what is Business Plan Competition (Business Plan Contest is the term used in Japan) today. He led Mitsubishi Group to provide key support for first three BPCs.

Late Mr. Alex d’Arbeloff, Founder of Teradyne , Professor Emeritus Fujisaki of University of Tokyo who assumed the Chair of MIT Alum Association of Japan, Late Mr. Hajime Mitarai and Mrs. Michiko Mitarai of Canon, Mr. Kakuichiro Fujiyama of former President of NCR Japan, Late Professor Dr. Tamon Inoue of Tsukuba University, Mr. Keiji Tachikawa, President of JAXA have all kindly contributed for MIT-EFJ to be where it is.

These leaders not only possess wide range of expertise, but also have class and refined level of corporate philosophy and ethics. They have also shown this MIT-alike way of working ways up and in the end delivering innovative and drastic ideas and products. I am hoping that people re- appreciate this intangible asset which is a driving force of MIT-EFJ.

Ethics are being ignored often these days, some even say ethics are no longer there, which is unfortunate.
If one continues to say one thing is something else on intentional basis, then there may not be the line that defines justice from injustice. This is the time to reflect upon ourselves to stand firm to be an appropriate entity to empower leaders of next generations. While I work with a small group of entrepreneurs sharing common theme of Clean and Clear, Mr. Kazuo Inamori ’s philosophy of Act in the Best Interest of Others is a stance I value.

While many NPOs fall on tendencies to focus on technical aspects, I hope MIT-EFJ continues to focus on deeper level of empowering, educating and motivating individuals who will be competent in global settings.

Thank you.
